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Lawn mowers – used and new for sale

It all comes down to the right care. You will find various farm machinery dealers here that sell used lawn mowers. A lawn is an area of aesthetic and recreational land planted with grasses or other low durable plants, which usually are maintained at a lower and consistent height. Lawns are a common feature of private gardens and public landscapes and parks in many parts of the world now. Lawns are created for aesthetic pleasure as well as for sports or other outdoor recreational use. Lawns are useful as a playing surface both because they mitigate erosion and dust generated by intensive foot traffic and because they provide a cushion for players in sports. The lawn is usually cut short. Lawn care covers the following: mowing, removal of the mowed grass (via raking), fertilization, thatching, aeration, topdressing, sowing and sprinkling. Use this great opportunity and browse our site for the ideal lawn mowers for your business. You can always narrow down the search using the search box in the navigation bar to the left. GmbH, your marketplace, Rechbauerstraße 4/1/4, A-8010 Graz
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